Training under unique conditions
Our Triple-Four Concept
The OffTEC Offshore Training and Development Cluster represents many years of wind experience, a proven team of experts and a training centre that is unique in Europe. Located on the innovative GreenTEC Campus, at OffTEC you fill find the ideal prerequisites for the training and advanced training of your personnel.
With the focus on safety rescue and wind turbine technology your technical staff are optimally prepared for their demanding tasks through complete training programmes and recurring refresher courses.

Training in 4 elements and 4 levels of difficulty for 4 sectors
Our Triple-Four Concept combines 3 x 4 factors of the training courses: Training courses for all 4 elements of nature in 4 levels of difficulty for 4 sectors. Whether fire, water, air and earth, or wind, maritime, rescue or safety sector, basic level, advanced, professional or special level – we have the right training course for you.
These include engineering, sea survival, helicopter, rescue from height, firefighting and first aid courses. All training courses are held at one location using modern, real-life technology, including accommodation and catering on campus is our new guest house. This comprehensive Triple-Four concept is unique, and offers you ease of use and optimum cost transparency
Realistic and tailor-made
The reliable basis for working on wind turbines is holistic training with real technology and continuous employee training – specially oriented on the requirements in each case.
OffTEC also has its own training wind farm two each SWT-3.6-120, SWT-3.0-101DD and SWT-3.6-130DD wind turbines, a Technology Training Centre, a Fire Protection Training Centre and a Maritime Training Centre, specialised in the tasks and conditions of on and offshore wind energy.
We advise you about which qualifications your employees need and if required also provide you with a bespoke training programme to meet your needs.

Safety - signed and sealed
We have been an accredited provider of all safety training courses in accordance with Global Wind Organisation (GWO) Basic Safety Training Standard and GWO Basic Technical Training Standard since June 2014. OffTEC also provides training based on international standards such as STCW and OPITO. We can also assure you the highest quality and greatest flexibility for the future.
The technical and building facilities using real technology are designed for multifunctional use and the expansion of future industry requirements. We continue to develop our courses to keep up to speed with every new safety standard and training procedure.
Unbeatable full service for you
With its own guest house for 36 persons, OffTEC is the first in the industry to offer such full service. Our customers have the opportunity to book an all-inclusive package. It includes the whole training aspect and also board and lodging for the participants – all at the same location.
This makes it easier for you to plan your training and advanced training activities and also to save time, plus you have total cost transparency from the very start.